Furthering thoughts for April 6th 2019
“If we have died with him, we also live with him; if we endure, we will also reign with him…” 2Tm2:11-12a.
As we are heading towards Palm Sunday and Holy Week, we dwell upon the suffering of Christ, the greatest suffering that He carried on His own shoulders on behalf of all, to be the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world [Ex12, Jn1:29]. Connected to His death and resurrection, [Rm6], we too live in the newness of life. “Because I live you shall also live” Jesus says, and thus we endure because we reign with him.
As we dwell upon the measure to which our Lord endured the crown of the thorns, nails, the unbearable excruciating pain of the Cross, we also see the Lord’s deep compassion for all of humanity.
It is in His compassion, that we too, share in the suffering of others. “But sharing in suffering means being sensitive to others who are suffering some distress”. In a world that is so connected by technology, yet how quickly disconnected we have become.
It is through the love of Christ for us, that we, in faith, are willing “to be with someone who is suffering, whether for an hour or a lifetime….”. It is through the Christ, we know how to love and serve one another.
We care because Christ cared for us first.
We love because Christ loved us first
We serve because Christ served us first.
We share in suffering because Christ suffered for us first.
If you see someone at church who is suffering, share in their suffering. Give an ear, lend a hand, and pray for them.
If you see a neighbor, family, friend, or co-worker who is suffering, share in their suffering. Give an ear, lend a hand, and pray for them.
And this all begins in the Word. As a church, I pray that we continue to grow together by way of the Word and Sacraments, preaching and teaching, fellowship, praying for one another [Acts2:42]. So continue to come to church, be fed, be filled as the Holy Spirit guides all of us to be the equipped saints of God that care, love, serve and share in the suffering of others. What an important time we live in, to share, serve and love in a world that is suffering so much.
But thanks be to God that Jesus “suffers with us and for us in our place on the cross”. Jesus is the eternal good news of great joy, and in His Word, we endure for our hope is in His victorious death and resurrection.
What a blessed opportunity we have as we go in His joy!
Enjoy your Saturday!