Furthering Thoughts for May 7th 2019
“Conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried”.
Words we proclaim time and time again as we confess our faith in the Apostles Creed. [I highly recommend that you say the Creed, in the morning, in the night, with yourselves, with your spouse, with your children[[so important for your children Eph 6:4]], at work, on your lunch break, as you do the dishes, the laundry, walking the dog, at the checkout stand, on your commute, on your way to school…whenever you are able].
An important recitation this is, as we continue to dwell upon the reason for Christ’s humiliation for us. The length to which Jesus went, sent by the Father, “God humbled himself by taking on human flesh, suffering and dying-all for the sake of a world that turned its back on Him…”
With the whole world against Him, Jesus stood faithfully [in the greatest humility ever known] in our place. We needed Jesus to stand in our place. Because our place is of the sin condition- “our weakness and inability to save ourselves”. Born into sin [Ps51:5], death following suit [Rm5:12], the devil raging on [1Pt5:8], this is our place.
We cannot escape, we cannot earn our way out, and we cannot prove the merits to vacate the law of sin and death. There is nothing we can do[Is64:6]. Nothing at all [Eph2:1, Rm7]. In the fragility of sin, we often are “overwhelmed by suffering, heartache, fear, and worry”. Indeed, this is our place, “a lost and condemned person” [Apostles Creed Art III exp].
Remember the days of AAA maps? Those were the days when we would get lost and find ourselves in the middle of nowhere. However, after some searching… some degree of diligence, we always found our way back.
Lost and condemned means you never find your way back by your own efforts. We are lost and isolated without the help of our Lord. Think about that for a second…… This is our place. Good morals or good values will never repair the fracture of sin and the separation from God [Gen3].
Too many times we forget that “we stand in our sinful pride and selfish ambition”. The blinkers [a piece of equipment that prevents horses to see to either side and the rear] are on, as we are focused on our place. At the same time, we fail to recognize the true plague and place of sin. And thus, we go on thinking that we are secure in ourselves. But, as we live in this flesh, we inevitably face suffering, worry, anxiety, pain, stress, powerlessness….a daily reminder of our place.
“[Jesus] who has redeemed me, a lost and condemned person, purchased and won me from all sins, from death, and from the power of the devil; not with gold or silver, but with His holy, precious blood and with His innocent suffering and death, that I may be His own and live under Him in His Kingdom…” Apostles Creed Art III exp
Jesus comes for us, in order to stand in our place so that we may be His own. Our place is in His holy, precious blood that has delivered us from all sin [all of them! Yes!], from death [death has lost its sting], and the devil crushed [Gen3 fulfilled!]. Jesus didn’t pay with a gold card, or suitcase full of cash, but our Lord paid the price by the only worthy payment: His precious and innocent [without sin] blood. Dying the big death, and rising from the dead on the 3rd day Jesus fulfills our saving place in Him.
“I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” Galatians 2:20.
This is our place.
Under Him: Reconciled to God
This is our place.
Under Him: Covered by His blood, washed clean, the forgiveness of sins.
This is our place.
Under Him: The Mighty Refuge that pried away death and it’s awful sting.
This is our place.
Under Him: “One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism” Ephesians 4:5
This is our place.
Under Him: “For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes”. 1 Corinthians 11:26
This is our place.
Under Him: “Today you will be with me in our paradise” Luke 23:43