You Are Made Holy

Furthering thoughts for April 5th 2019

“I just want to be more holy for the Lord”. This is the common sentiment of my life when I was younger. And if I wanted to be completely honest with my younger self, what I really meant was that I needed to do something to be something. That is, I needed to do something good in the eyes of the Lord to earn my stamp of Holiness, my stamp of approval from God.

We live in a world that loves the stamp of approval. After all, whenever we watch advertisements, it seems all the products are backed by some approval, or rating, or seal of excellence, to prove their worth to the consumer. And likewise, I tried to do the same. I tried to prove my worth.

But there came a time, when..though I tried fervently, it seemed I always came back disappointed in myself, knowing that I just wasn’t holy enough. And there I would try at it again, like someone who was trying to climb a loosely formed mountain made of gravel. Clawing, and climbing, just hoping I could get to the top, yet every time, I would fall short becoming more and more discouraged even to the point of despair and doubt whether I was worthy enough to be called a Christian.

But after meeting a lutheran pastor at my mother’s church, He introduced me to the true picture of holiness. He pointed me to those words, “You are the Christ! the Son of the Living God!” Mt16:16 . Jesus “the one who saves people from their sins” Mt1:21, the Christ, “the anointed one” the chosen one, set apart as the Savior for the World. His Work has made us Holy!

“What does this mean, to be holy? God is holy because He is perfect! That sounds like something impossible for us. Our first thought about being holy is probably that we have to be perfect in everything we do and say… think this way can be very discouraging. We know that we are not holy because of what we do”

Indeed, even our most righteous works are like filthy rags [Is64:6]. Holiness cannot be found from within. But from the “extra nos” [latin for outside ourselves]. So repent and confess, and rest in the trustful words of what has been done for us, outside of ourselves. God to Man. The word made flesh!

“Rather, it is something that has been done to us by God”

You are made holy, I am made holy by the body and blood of Jesus. Our faith resides in the work outside ourselves as God graciously sent His Son, our Savior to be the one who would cover the multitude of sins by way the Cross, His death and resurrection, for the forgiveness of our sins.

Washing you clean, holy and blameless in front of our Lord, all by the His gracious Word that rescues us from sin, death, and the power of the devil. A great assurance this is! So too, we find this same assurance in Holy Baptism where by His Word in the Water you are robed in His righteousness. In the Supper of our Lord, you are served Jesus body and blood [take eat, take drink] given and shed for you for the forgiveness of your sins.

“Jesus holiness is now shared with us through our faith in Him”. You are holy through the work of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and thus by His holiness imparted to us, we live as His holy children. So as the redeemed, as the one’s already holy, go and live in the victorious name of our Lord! You are set free by the greatest gift of Jesus Christ, the good news of great joy! and like the poorly drawn light bulb below…. yes, go in His light, “help me to live the holy life you have given me as a witness to You in all that I do. Amen”

“You shall be holy, for I am holy” 1Pet1:16.


A blessed friday to you all!
