Luther's Small Catechism LIVE

( watch all the videos in this YouTube Playlist )

Join us in this 2021 review of Luther's Small Catechism. All videos are recorded LIVE on YouTube. Thursdays @ 9:00am.

The Small Catechism is available online for free, or you can order a copy from Concordia Publishing House that goes into more depth and study of the catechism.
- Luther's Small Catechism with Explanation - 2017 Edition

Luther's Small Catechism - 2021 Review
4/29/2021 What Is Christianity?
Acts 4:12
5/13/2021 Second Use of the Law
Romans 3:20
5/20/2021 Third Use of the Law
John 15:5-8
5/27/2021 The First Commandment
Mark 10:17-22
6/3/2021 The Second Commandment
Matthew 28:19-20
6/10/2021 The Third Commandment
The Word
6/17/2021 The Fourth Commandment
Ephesians 6
6/25/2021 The Fifth Commandment
God's Gift of Life
7/8/2021 The Sixth Commandment
Mark 10:6-9
7/15/2021 The 7th & 8th Commandments
Zaccheus & Our Words
7/22/2021 The Eighth Commandment
What Did You Say?
8/19/2021 The 9th & 10th Commandments
8/26/2021 Apostles' Creed: Who is God?
9/2/2021 Apostles' Creed: God Creates
First Article
9/9/2021 Apostles' Creed: All this... why?
First Article
9/16/2021 Apostles' Creed: Who do you say that I am?
Second Article: Redemption
9/23/2021 Apostles' Creed: Jesus Is God
Second Article: Redemption
9/30/2021 Apostles' Creed: Jesus As Man
Second Article: Redemption
10/7/2021 Apostles' Creed: Redemption
Second Article: Redemption
10/14/2021 Apostles' Creed: Purchase Price
Second Article: Redemption
10/21/2021 Apostles' Creed: Christ Comforts You in His Resurrection
Second Article: Redemption
10/28/2021 Apostles' Creed: So That I May Be His Own
Second Article: Redemption
11/11/2021 Apostles' Creed: Everlasting Righteousness, Innocence, and Blessedness
Second Article: Redemption
12/2/2021 Apostles' Creed: Enlightened By His Gifts
Third Article: Sanctification
12/9/2021 Apostles' Creed: Sanctified
Third Article: Sanctification
12/16/2021 Apostles' Creed: Christ Keeps You
Third Article: Sanctification
1/6/2022 Apostles' Creed: The Holy Christian Church
Third Article: Sanctification
1/13/2022 Apostles' Creed: The Forgiveness of Sins
Third Article: Sanctification
1/20/2022 Apostles' Creed: Resurrection of the Body and Life Everlasting
Third Article: Sanctification
1/27/2022 Lord's Prayer: Shaped by the Father
Lord's Prayer: Introduction
2/10/2022 Lord's Prayer: The Name That Shapes You
Lord's Prayer: 1st Petition
2/17/2022 Lord's Prayer: How is God’s Name Profaned?
Lord's Prayer: 1st Petition
2/24/2022 Lord's Prayer: Under His Kingdom
Lord's Prayer: 2nd Petition
3/3/2022 Lord's Prayer: Thy Will Be Done
Lord's Prayer: 3rd Petition
3/10/2022 Lord's Prayer: Daily Bread
Lord's Prayer: 4th Petition
3/24/2022 Lord's Prayer: Daily Bread, Every Day!
Lord's Prayer: 4th Petition
4/7/2022 Lord's Prayer: Forgiveness
Lord's Prayer: 5th Petition

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