http://www.faithmoorpark.com/signup/lists/ | Updated February 18 2025 |

Faith Lutheran Email Lists

Main List - subscribe to the Faith Lutheran Church email list to get announcements on upcoming services, bible studies, and our monthly newsletter. View previous emails to see what we have sent.
Specific Interests
These email lists are specific to the types of content. If you only wish to receive notifications of sermons, bible studies, or the newletter, then you can pick which list you want to sign up for.
Newsletter Only
- receive the monthly newsletter via email.
Sermon Only
- receiving email notifications when the Sunday sermons are posted. This also includes the Wednesday sermons during Advent or Lent.
Children's Sermon
- receiving email notifications when the Sunday children's messages are posted.
Bible Studies
- receive email notifications when the Sunday morning and Wednesday evening bible studies are posted.
Social Media
Follow us on any of these social networks to keep up to date. A daily bible verse is posted to Facebook and Twitter. The Sunday morning sermon and most bible study videos are posted on YouTube. Audio podcasts of the sermons and bible studies are also available on iTunes and Google Play.
- Facebook Page - like the page and receive daily bible verses and see upcoming events we are planning.
- Facebook Group - join, connect, and share with others at Faith.
- YouTube - most of our sermons and bible studies are posted on YouTube so you can watch them when you are unable to come to church.
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