http://www.faithmoorpark.com/beliefs/communion/overview | Updated May 02 2021 |

Sacrament of the Altar: Holy Communion
( watch all the videos in this YouTube Playlist )Sermon Series & Bible Study
Through Jesus' ministry, the Lord reveals who He is and what He has come to do, ultimately leading to His own death and resurrection. Yes, the Lord manifested himself in many ways and continues even to this day by His Word and Sacraments. On the night when he was to be betrayed, "Jesus took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. And He took a cup and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, saying, Drink of it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" (Mt 26:26-28). Jesus institutes the Supper and commands them to "Take, eat", "Drink of it, all of you". For in the Supper of our Lord, we partake in His very own body and blood, served in with and under the consecrated bread and wine for the forgiveness of sins. What a blessed gift to receive as we live under the cross of Christ!
Join us in this sermon series and bible study on the Sacrament of the Altar to renew and rejoice on the gifts given by our gracious Lord. May this be an opportunity for you to enrich and strengthen your faith in the lavish riches of God's word that delivers you, in His body and the blood, your ultimate peace - the forgiveness of sins.
1/7/2018 | Sermon: The Nature of Is
1/14/2018 | Bible Study: Nature
1/14/2018 | Sermon: The Benefit of Is
1/21/2018 | Bible Study: Benefits
1/21/2018 | Sermon: The Power of Is
1/28/2018 | Bible Study: Benefits & Preparation
1/28/2018 | Sermon: The Preparation of Is
2/4/2018 | Bible Study: Preparation (part 2)
2/11/2018 | Communion Statement