What Does This Mean?

( watch all the videos in this YouTube Playlist )

It is an important time to sift through the concerns and worries of the world as we ask, “What does this mean?”. Rather being entrenched in the fear and hysteria, it is during this time where we see through the eyes of faith. It is a time to see the landscape as more than just a temporal struggle, but rather discerning that everything flows from the spiritual.

Join us as we learn and discover, review and renew the Word of God as He answers the question, "What does this mean?"

The videos will be archived on YouTube and also included below.

What Does This Mean?
9/8/2020 Introduction
What Does This Mean?
9/10/2020 Peace
What is peace? Is it based on feelings? circumstances? order?
9/17/2020 Hope
What is hope? What is the content, basis, and nature of hope?
9/24/2020 Love
What is love? Why do we perish? Surely I can save myself..right? How did God save us?
10/8/2020 Loneliness
What is loneliness? isolation? How does social media affect loneliness?
10/15/2020 Life
Bios: Temporal Life. Zoe: Eternal Life.

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